1. My husband is growing a beard.
2. Toys 'R Us should sell rocks, because that's all any kid wants to play with.
3. Bug takes my breath away.
4. When little girls get fussy & worn-out amid all the Christmas eve festivities, they tend to somersault during family photos.
But sometimes having the attention span of a gnat comes in handy. Just wait long enough and the fussing turns into a winning smile. Somersaulting is rather fun.
5. Uncles have very special places in nieces' hearts.
6. Little boys are hams.
7. Bug and I love to craft together.
8. Walking around looking at Christmas lights is one of the most magical things to do as a child for three important reasons.
One, the lights are pretty.
Two, you get to be out at night! When it's dark!!
And three, you get to be loud and run around. And say things like "poo-lar bear" and "teeter tooter" and then giggle hysterically.
9. I am the mother of a leaf monster.
10. They really are twins.
And now you know.