I opened up my email a week or so ago to find that I was blogscorner.com's Top Blog of the Week! I'm so excited and honored and couldn't help but share my excitement with ya'll.

I entered a giveaway from Simone at Chocolate Covered Daydreams (but the prize was actually through her other blog On Being... which has very interesting, heartfelt interviews) and was lucky enough to win an amazing email session with a fashion consultant, an adorable Stila makeup bag full of makeup, a cool book called Style Statement (and after delving into it I believe my style statement is a cross between a Traditional Current (Creativity & Celebration) and a Simplistic Earth (Nature & Rest & Relaxation)), and a beautiful necklace. Turns out, the fashion consultant, Ev 'Yan is Simone's daughter. If you have met either of these women, you know they are both complete sweethearts. Ev 'Yan? The girl was downright amazing! I mean, take a frumpy stay at home mom and give her a week with a fashion consultant and the result is a deer in the headlights. But Ev 'Yan made me feel so comfortable. I asked her about my hair and how to make my sturdy little legs appear longer. Yes, my double nemesis. But it was no match for Ev 'Yan. She was undaunted, and came back with excellent advice, photos, tips. All the while making me feel good about myself! She's wonderful. She even extended my week long consultation just to give me more time. If you ever have the need or opportunity to work with her, take full advantage. The girl is a fashion guru and she really knows her stuff.
THEN, as if my day wasn't going good enough, I won a book called Graceling through NotNessie at Today's Adventure! I can't wait to read the book and give a review. (I estimate that this will be when I am convalescing in a very lovely senior living center).
I'm not done folks. There's more. The warmth and fuzziness continues! Cherie at This Side of Town awarded me a Lovely Blog award. If you haven't met Cherie, head on over. Immediately you will see what a caring individual she is. She's a nurse, which, in my book, makes her fantastic. Her posts always have interesting photos and uplifting words.
Can you stand anymore of my drivel? Okay, good, because there's more.
I have the best friends in the world. Sarsa over at Nobody Doesn't Like Sarsa Lee made my family dinner the other night. AND she brought flowers. You can't imagine how that made my day. (Dinner was enchilada casserole and...wait for it...wait for it.....GUACAMOLE. She made fresh guacamole. And gave it to me. So I could eat it. And eat it I did. Then I shamelessly licked the container it came in). Check out the lovely recipes on Sarsa's blog. (And, if you're looking for a recipe for guacamole, check out my friend Kimma's new blog, Kimma's Kitchen. Kimma and I were friends in college. She was a genius in the kitchen then, and nothing has changed).
On two recent separate occasions, DfK invited Bug over to her house to play with her daughter L. Bug came home both times bearing treats--the first time, with beautiful luscious cupcakes that the girls made, the second time with homemade take-n-bake pizzas the girls made. There may be a conspiracy to make me gain 10 pounds, but I tell you, it's the happiest 10 pounds to ever grace my thighs.
OH! And then I found out my cousin Meghan over at The Belt Family is pregnant! Their baby #3 is on the way and I am so excited I can barely contain myself!
There are just so many things to be thankful for and so much joy in my life. Lotsa warm 'n fuzzies hanging around. I am gearing up for a great Spin a Web of Gratitude September edition.