God's always sprinkling blessings in my path.
Some I see and others I do not.
This one I see!
I had been praying these unorganized, anxious prayers that only a mother can come up with.
A mother who has forgotten that her children were created for Him, not her.
A mother who needed to know that the burdens He puts on a her heart are not to be pushed aside, but heeded and embraced!

Then God sprinkled a friend across my path to ground me, to reassure me, to challenge me.
A beautiful friend. Who prays with me, sings with me, listens to me, and laughs with me. Who understands me...maybe not all the time, but loves me anyway!
He always knows just what I need, and His timing is impeccable.
I guess that's not surprising, being the creator of the universe and all...!