Monday, July 26, 2010

Independence Day March

The joeys held hands and walked in to church.

Something remotely resembling a puddle came into view.

So of course, they made a beeline for it!

Stomp, stomp!  Not much to splash.


Dana said...

Hahaha! Kids and water... they just go together! They look adorable in their 4th outfits, but then I think they look adorable in whatever outfit they have on! Hugs all around!

Buckeroomama said...

Your kiddies are way too cute! Don't you just love it when they all hold hands? It melts my heart to see my two hold hands while they walk. :)

McVal said...

Too cute! May they always enjoy each others company like this!

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, my dear. You have me squealing with delight. It's a surfeit of cuteness. How blessed you are.

Catherine Anne said...

SO sweet. I love The Littlest Chefs long hair!!! ya know Sweet Pea has the skirt in brown. From Kohl's?

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Girl, use sand paper on your distressing- it works like a charm!


~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

The pic where they actually spot the puddle is priceless..Ta-dom!

Too cute.Thanks for posting this. It made me smile :)

xo, misha

Susan said...

Cute, very cute! They always find the puddles, don't they?!!

Lisa said...

:) awwwww... LOVE the outfits. said...

Aww, how disappointing that there wasn't much of a puddle to splash..but then again, maybe for the best since they were walking in to church!

They are all growing up so fast! I love that they are holding hands.