Thursday, September 17, 2009

Goodnight Wesley Bear (And Other Melodies)

When we put Bug to bed we pray and sing two songs, Goodnight Sweetheart and Edelweiss. Wesley Bear is a cherished friend, so Bug exercises the same loving care when it's time for him to go to sleep.

This got me to thinking about when Bug was 2, and she loved the song Oh Little Town of Bethlehem. Wait for the "oh baby Jesus" at the end.

And at 23 months, Away in a Manger...


Lisa said...

I was crying after watching the first video until I heard the "oh baby jesus" on the second. lol

She is sooo perfect my friend! A REAL doll!

Debbie said...

Oh my word, how sweet is that!

Salitype said...

oh.! isn't bug just so sweet...and when i heard the end of the first song...ow, just so cute!!

she's so adorable!

Heart2Heart said...


What a lucky bear she has to be lulled into sleep by her beautiful angelic voice. I was crying so much I had a hard time just getting through her videos. She is a true blessing to your family and I can only imagine just how loving God is smiling down on all of you.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat said...

She is so very precious but it comes from having such wonderful parents like the both of you to instill those sweet values in her.

I can't wait until the twins are singing along with her.

Dandy said...

OK as soon as she started Edelweiss I started to cry. I haven't even gotten to the other two!

Dandy said...

The "oh baby jesus" is so funny its repeating over and over in my head.

teamkyte said...

I need to know why he is named Wesley Bear! I have a Wesley and you don't see it that often. Cute kid BTW!!!

monica said...

That is just too cute!

blushing rose said...

Darling ....
TTFN ~Marydon

Yelena R. said...

She is the cutest!

Alice said...

very cute, can I admit to getting the giggles at the last one?! How funny is her little sway and croaky voice! She's desperately cute! My boy's 23 months - think we're a way off singing talent like that! Must be in the genes!

SouthernDogwoods said...

What beautiful videos! She is too precious! So glad you have those on video! I love the "Oh Baby Jesus!"

cherie said...

wonderful, wonderful post, elle! i love it when my sons sing myself! edelweiss is a big favorite around the house, too! bug is growing up to be a very insightful little lady!

CottageGirl said...

America's Got Talent! That girl is amazing! She loves lowing cattle, doesn't she!!!

Elle Bee said...

Caryn, Wesley was my grandfather's middle name. I've always loved that you have a Wesley, as it is a name close to my heart, and also just a cool, unique name!

Alice, Yeah, she kinda got hung up on lowing cattle! HA! Like a skipping record. he hehe :o)

Flat Creek Farm said...

She really is a talented little girl. Bug has it all - so much preciousness wrapped up into one! -Tammy

Relyn Lawson said...

OH, there is just nothing like a sweet childish voice singing with abandon.

Susan said...

Oh so beautiful! Tears here, too! I can't believe she knows all the words to Edelweiss! And can carry the tune! She will be playing one of the Von Trapp children very soon.

She is a very talented little girl.

Dana said...

I can't imagine anyone NOT being comforted by such angelic sounds! Priceless!

Meghan said...

My goodness. Can she get any cuter?? I am amazed at how well she can carry a tune. We're all about the ABC's and The Wheels on the Bus over here...