Friday, September 18, 2009


I know it's a long shot, but on the off chance you thought there was an ounce of Normalcy in this house, I present this video footage as evidence to the contrary. You will be convinced beyond all reasonable doubt, once and for all. Nary a stitch, nor a smidge of Normalcy. Nope, nuh uh, no way, now how, nix, nine, newton. Normalcy doesn't live here. Normalcy moved out 3 years ago and took it's dog Quiet with it. It also took three suitcases loaded with Sanity, Reason, and Logic. It did leave behind its coat in the guest bedroom closet though. I looked in the pocket and found a bottle of Gone Bananas and a vial of Looney Toons.


Roeshel said...

I just stopped by for a quick visit (thanks for popping over to see me) but then...I could not tear myself away from your blog, your posts and your previous little angels. I've enjoyed reading back several posts. SO cute. So bad (I love your sense of humor about not sweating the small stuff). So giggle-worthy.

Thanks for sharing! :)

Flat Creek Farm said...

Bug sure plays a mean monster! :) I love how the twins are just mesmerized. So was I! Rar... rar... rar!!! As always, a visit to your blog makes me smile :) -Tammy

Relyn Lawson said...

This is a perfect post. Just perfect.

Dana said...

Can't believe she didn't get tired of saying "Rarh, Rahr, Rahr!" ! Too cute, I don't know how you ever get anything done! I would be watching these three ALL of the time!!!

teamkyte said...

Super cute! I would show a video but my living room is a nightmare right now!

cherie said...

elle, if i ever, hahahah!!

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

I am so very glad that we didn't have to tell you that normalcy has lsft your world!!!
As always, your kids made me laugh.
Too funny and cute they are.

Dandy said...

I snorted!! Rar, rar, rar, rar, rar, rar,rar said...

I was totally cracking up. Bug knows how to keep her brother and sister totally entertained. Bex is going to be taking apart the swing pretty soon. He really looked like he was trying to figure it out. Your babies are all so beautiful!

Christina said...

Hilarious...that is so something that would happen in my house, and my kids are 8, 6, and 2! Look, free entertainment for your littler ones? Good deal, right?

Susan said...

Oh my goodness, that is soooo cute and hilarious! What a clever girl Bug is! It's good to know that you have accepted your fate of never having peace and quiet again until they're 25! :)

Sarsa said...

So cute! It looks like the twins are trying to figure out how to make this a 3-person ride.

Debbie said...

Thanks, I just snorted my Dr. Pepper onto my screen! That is so cute. Ah the inventiveness of kids. Rarh, rarh, rarh! (I spelled it differently that Dandy).

Meghan said...

LOL! I don't know how you are not busting up while filming this...

Salitype said...

ha!ha!ha!... normalcy in different nature, i guess!...ha!ha!ha!

i love this post, very refreshing!